There are a number or treatments available for prostate cancer.
At Birmingham Prostate Centre, our expert urologists can help you understand the best treatment option, which depends on:
- The size and spread of your cancer
- How fast your cancer is growing
- Your overall health and family history
Localised prostate cancer treatments
- Active surveillance
- Robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP – Da Vinci TM robot)
- External beam radiotherapy (EBRT)
- Brachytherapy (internal radiotherapy)
- Hormone therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
Advanced or metastatic prostate cancer treatments
- Hormone treatment
- Chemotherapy
Risk Calculators
At Birmingham Prostate Centre, we carefully counsel men and outlinine the benefits and risks of each treatment approach using risk calculators, to help you choose the best course of action.
For patients concerned about having prostate cancer:
- Prostate Cancer Risk Checker . Please note that the risks mentioned here relate to transrectal biopsy. However, we offer a safer alternative called transperineal biopsy(hyperlink)., which has much lower risks
For patients considering treatment options for confirmed localised prostate cancer:
- Predict Prostate
For patients considering radical treatment for confirmed high-risk prostate cancer:
- Memorial Sloane Kettering pre operative risk calculator
For patients who have had surgery for their prostate cancer:
- Memorial Sloane Kettering post operative risk calculator
Why choose Birmingham Prostate Centre?
At Birmingham Prostate Centre we provide our patients with the highest standard of care and support and are pleased to offer robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) to suitable candidates. This approach offers several advantages over traditional open prostatectomy, including shorter hospital stays, reduced blood loss, quicker recovery to normal activities, and faster return to urinary continence.
Contact us
If you are concerned about your risk of prostate cancer and would like advice about testing, or if you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer and want to explore your treatment options, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Our team at Birmingham Prostate Centre is here to provide you with expert guidance and personalised care.